Dedicated Email
Let our subscribers know about your event
$350 /per delivery
$350 /per delivery

Advertise your event to our Newsletter subscribers by sending a message directly to their inboxes. A "Dedicated Email" contains only your advertising and call to action.
- High impact Email design highlighting links and call-to-action buttons taking users to your event resgistration or ticket sale.
- Email list of Spanish-speaking people who subscribed to receive news about local Latino events.
- Email marketing platform to guarantee a high delivery rate and tracking.
Add a "Dedicated Email" to your marketing mix and take advantage of our highly targeted subscribers list.
Let us show you how it works…
See it in action!
We can personalize your own design customized to your event and message.
How it works in 60 seconds
Video coming soon.
» Generate intereset in your event with a launch campaign.
» Inform people about the date tickets go on sale.
» Remind people about your event as the date approaches.